10 Proven Strategies to Skyrocket Sales from Your Social Media Store

Ask any avid online shopper how they were influenced to buy a certain product or service, and the answer for most would be social media.

While some clicked on an ad, others saw their favourite influencer endorsing a certain brand. This is the power of social media!

But more than just being present on social media, posting a picture, or sharing a tweet will work better than just being present on social media, posting a picture, or sharing a tweet.

To make your social media presence successful, you must follow an intelligent process- a well-planned strategy that must be executed carefully.

Here are my ten proven strategies to help you increase your sales through your social media. 

1. Setting your objectives

      Like any other medium, you must have a plan of action when working on your social media presence. Define a set of clear objectives that you aim to achieve through your social media account. This is one aspect that many marketers overlook.

      But in my opinion, they matter the most as they set the tone for your social media efforts and give you direction.

      Be it growing your followers, increasing your views, or any other target- set a clear timeline and target, and then decide your future course of action.

      And while you are at it, do not overlook the importance of timing. Missing out on an opportunity on social media can translate into a hefty loss, as others may take the lead and push you back.

      2. Segmenting your customers

      This refers to dividing your target customers into various segments based on different aspects. For example, you can divide them based on geographic locations or their demographics, i.e., age, gender, education, income, etc. 

      You can also segment according to psychographics- this may help you have a better idea about their preferences and choices and why they may prefer a certain product over the other.

      3. Using Chatbots and AI-powered tools

      AI can be your friend, and nothing says it better than tools like chatbots.

      For example, if your account has millions or even thousands of followers, how can you respond to each and every query? You can set up chatbots to respond to customers’ DMs about price or product specs.

      I also recommend using automated tools for taking orders on Meta accounts. Imagine how convenient it can be to run an online social media store.

      4. Personalizing your messages

      I cannot emphasize enough the importance of personalized interactions and humanizing your brand. Your audience will naturally be more inclined when you engage with them directly.

      Once in a while, consider introducing your team to your audience. Also, design content that will make your brand more relatable.

      While chatbots can be very helpful, it is important to make sure your messages and responses do not sound robotic. Remember, people love it when they feel they are getting responses from real humans.

      5. Using storytelling

      Content is perhaps the most cost-effective strategy in digital marketing. Also, because you can use it in many ways, it is used widely across the social media.

      One method that I recommend is story-telling. Use characters, scenarios, and situations that will drive emotional responses from the audience. 

      Since many purchases made online are based on impulse decisions, this strategy may prove to be quite effective.

      6. Educating the audience through content

      While your social media presence is meant to protect your brand, you do not always have to make it all about yourself.

      That is why I recommend using educational content along with marketing content. While too much marketing content may feel like you are pushing your brand, educational content will help build trust with the audience.

      You can share valuable knowledge that is also relevant to your industry and product or service. You can also offer useful advice or tips that will benefit your readers and may tempt them to keep coming back for more.

      7. Improving product descriptions

      You may not think much of it, but having good product descriptions can turn the tide in your favor. Do a quick scan of how you describe your products or services on your social media store.

      In my opinion, the better the readability score, the higher your chances are of scoring a sale. 

      Keep the product descriptions precise, use short paras or bullets and make sure to add all the pertinent aspects that will tip the scale in your favor. 

      8. Using testimonials

      Customers often look to other customers who have used a product to decide if it would be worth buying. I consider testimonials and ratings to be social media shout-outs that can greatly affect a prospective customer’s buying decision. 

      Having testimonials and reviews on your social media store establishes your credibility and will positively impact your future sales.

      You can encourage your customers to share reviews with photos and even offer incentives in return.

      10. Using PPC advertising

      Social media marketplaces tend to get crowded, and you need advertising to turn things in your favor. PPC advertising can be used to target your segments with specific advertisements that will make your product or service more appealing.

      It will improve your brand visibility and will also facilitate more conversions and sales. 

      11. Defining growth metrics

      Lastly, I always recommend using social media insights and analytics to study the effectiveness of your campaigns and refine your future strategies. You may be doing all the right things to grow your online presence, but if it is not working anymore, it is time to shift gears.

      Social media algorithms continue to evolve, and what worked earlier may not be working anymore. Hence, it is important to stay updated with the relevant trends and refine your marketing tactics accordingly. 


      Social media strategies are not a one-size-fits-all!

      Your approach and strategies must be in accordance with how you want to grow and use social media to drive your business growth. The key is to not limit yourself to one approach only- be it content, advertising, or any other. 

      Implement some tactics through trial and error to see what works best, and be open to tweaking along the way to get the best possible returns for your marketing efforts.

      Author: FreakySEO

      FreakySEO is all about the list of great tools, tips and tricks to create ideas, strategies and quality content.


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