
A Warm Welcome to all my Warriors.

welcome all warrior

Welcome in SEO War and I’m Inviting Bloggers & SEO Specialists on FreakySEO

I’m on the lookout for new warriors such as bloggers, SEO and Online marketing specialists whose ideas can attract and motivate my readers and give some useful advice about our industry.

So, if you have an excellent idea, I would love to hear about it.

Or you can come up with a fresh perspective on an already existing idea, I will welcome you the most to write for me.

I cover the following topics only:

  • Blogging
  • SEO
  • SEO Tools
  • Analytics
  • Content Marketing
  • PPC
  • Case Studies related to SEO, Analytics, and PPC
  • Infographics (if you have interested infographics, you can send it along with 350-500 words description)

Guest Post Guidelines:

Before you start filling my form and hit on ‘Submit Button’, I want you to read my guidelines carefully and adhere to them:

  • Your blog should be informative and interactive with an aim to provide valuable pieces of information to my users.
  • Your blog length should be 850-2000 words
  • I want you to use meaningful and copyright free images
  • Your blog should be well-structured such as:

<H1>Your blog title</H1>
<H2>Sub-heading including your targeted keyword</H2>
<H3>, <H4>…<H5>
Break paragraphs to make it readable.

  • No more grammatical or language errors
  • No business promotion
  • Your blog should be unique and not published elsewhere.
  • Make sure you add short-bio describing you including website and social media links
  • Don’t use any kind of affiliate links
  • No more product or service promotion in your blog.

If you follow the above guidelines carefully, I will welcome you to my blog space.

Apart from the above, I will share your article on all social media platforms as well as various other content distribution networks.

How to Apply?

If you feel you’re a fit for Freakyseo, please complete the form below. I will respond you within 2 to 4 working days.

Here’s a few sample blog that you can refer to while writing for Freakyseo –

13 Best Productivity Tools for 2020

15 Ultimate Ideas To Create Evergreen Content

15 Reasons Local SEO is more important than ever

You can drop your idea here – [email protected]


Don't lose any war! Stay updated with the latest Tools, Tips, and Blog


FreakySEO is all about the list of great tools, tips and tricks to create ideas, strategies and quality content.

Created by Ravi Verma (+91-8076180923)