What asset is used to build a remarketing list?

What asset is used to build a remarketing list?

  • Custom Dimension
  • Custom Report
  • Custom Segment
  • Custom Metric

Correct Answer is:

Custom Segment

Explanation: Why do advertisers using Custom Segment?

For instance, if you run an e-commerce store with 2000 monthly visitors. Out of the 2000 monthly visitors, 200 people bought your product, and the few of them added your product in ‘Add to Cart’ but haven’t completed the purchase of that item, then those visitors are the perfect audience to target using remarketing campaign; you can show them ads by giving them extra discounts, ads for free shipping or something special to convert them into a sale.

By using ‘Custom Segment’ you can set up your remarketing list to launch an effective remarking campaign.

You can read more about segments and remarketing on the official website of Google. https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6015314?hl=en

Hope you got an answer to this question with the relevant explanation,’ What asset is used to build a remarketing list?’

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Good luck with your exam.

Author: FreakySEO

FreakySEO is all about the list of great tools, tips and tricks to create ideas, strategies and quality content.

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