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How can Helen provide free shipping for a small group of promotional products?

How can Helen provide free shipping for a small group of promotional products?

  • Add “Free shipping” to the Shopping campaign promotional text
  • Set the default shipping for all products to a flat rate of $0.00
  • Remove all shipping options from the Google Merchant Center account
  • Update the ‘shipping’ attribute to a fixed delivery price of $0.00 for only the promotional products

The correct answer is:

Update the ‘shipping’ attribute to a fixed delivery price of $0.00 for only the promotional products


How can Helen provide free shipping for a small group of promotional products?

You can configure free shipping under ‘GMA Shipping Settings‘ and create a flat-rate shipping rule by setting the price to Zero.

However, if you have selected products with free shipping then you must configure default shipping cost in Google Merchant Center by overriding the shipping cost for individual products following the instructions below:

  • Use custom/meta field to your store catalogue: google-shipping.
  • Add the value to ‘US:::0.00’ (without quotes) on the products/items for free shipping.
  • Leave all the other items empty, so that the shipping cost for these will still be based on the account-level shipping rates.
  • In order to set other shipping rates, follow the Google Shopping shipping attribute instructions.
  • The Google shipping attribute is based on country, service, region and price. You can easily add multiple shipping rules for a single product by separating each by ( , )commas.
  • Hit on the Refresh button from the Manage Feed page at your Google Shopping feed.
  • Navigate to your Manage Feed > Analyze Source Data page to confirm whether the custom field has been imported or not successfully, and note the exact name.
  • Now, you must edit the ‘shipping’ field on the Define Fields page of Google Shopping feed and set the Field Name to ‘google-shipping’ or the exact name appeared on the Analyze Source Data page.
  • Hit the Submit button from the Manage Feed page of your Google Shopping feed.

Hope you got your answer!

Feel free to comment below 🙂

Author: FreakySEO

FreakySEO is all about the list of great tools, tips and tricks to create ideas, strategies and quality content.

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