google adwords quality score

Google AdWords Quality Score: Is it that Important to Care about?

The users of Google Adwords are well aware of the presence of Quality Score depending on the usage of keywords.

However, people are unconscious of the fact that these scores vary in nature and can depend upon other properties.

So, one must have a clear conception about Quality Score and its various components in order to enjoy the benefits of the services.

Types of Quality Score

Google awards you this score after evaluating the relevance and quality of your keywords in PPC audit.
Although not all the variants are prominently visible, yet to address any issue, the following types need proper testing.

  • Account-Level Quality Score: This score is the summation of the historical performance of all the ads and keywords in a particular account. If you have been historically performing badly with poor ad rates and low keyword QS, then it will affect the overall score of the account. This score also hints at the favouritism of Google for accounts that have historically run well with good ratings.
  • Ad-Level Quality Score: You get this score through online ads that run through your Adwords account. It is independent of the individual ad score and considers a summation of all the Ads that are working. It also plays an important role in determining if your Ads are worthy enough to get an extension.
  • Mobile Quality Score: This quality score varies with the usage of the platform for a campaign and is different for the mobile and desktop.
  • Display Network Quality Score: Google decides this score depending on the performance, relevance and landing page quality.
  • Landing Page Quality Score: Factors like navigability, transparency, and content nature enhance the quality of the landing page. These points also affect the quality score accordingly.
  • Keyword- Level Quality Score: The most popular score that Google ascribes on the usage of keywords that serve the search queries of the visitors. You can review and analyze this score with various components and improve the same to enhance the impression.

Importance of Quality Scores

Google puts forth constructive efforts to retain its position in the industry and thus is sceptical about the relevance of the Ads.

Specifically, in the Adwords management services, the Adwords quality score plays a poignant role from Google’s perspective.

In addition, the advertisers also benefit significantly from the quality score due to certain factors:

  • Eligibility: A good quality score vouches for the eligibility of the advertiser’s ad in the auction and for reaching out to the viewers. Moreover, when this score teams up with the Cost-per-click bid, it helps to evaluate the Ad rank (Quality Score*CPC bid = Ad Rank). This rank is immensely helpful for the advertisers who have a limited budget for making the strategic move.
  • Optimization: In spite of having a low score, you can utilize this to optimize various accounts while providing those good ranks. This also affects the placements of Ads in Google Display Network, thereby affecting rank with the formula (Display Network bid*Quality Score= Ad rank).
  • Placement: The score also helps by forcing Google to consider your bids for placing targeted Ads on the Google Display network. In this particular scenario, a new formula determines the rank of the Ad, (Quality score*Bid= Ad rank).
  • Success: In Adwords Services, the lowering of the keyword-level quality score will harm the visibility of Ad and prevent it from the auction. On the other hand, the reduction in quality score will directly affect the Ad ranks that play a vital role in maintaining ROI. Thus, for maintaining a healthy success rate with enhanced ROI, determining an accurate quality score is necessary.

In this field of online marketing, an ad needs to be apt and accurate to target the perfect people and create the desired buzz.

This quality score ensures the same thing by weighing the relevance and nature of Ads and therefore it holds high importance for a Google Adwords management Agency!

Hope the above information helps you. Don’t forget to share it on social media’s and feel free to comment below.

Thank you for reading!

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Author: Ravi Verma

He is a digital marketer and creator of Freaky SEO. He enjoys working with words, numbers and the complexities of search engines and their working. You can connect with him on Linkedin or tweet @ digitalverma. Do you have excellent ideas to share with netizens? Come write for us.


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