Google search Statistics to Guide Your SEO & PPC Strategy in 2022

The continuously changing landscape of SEO and PPC makes it hard to have one definite plan or strategy for both, especially SEO.

To adapt to the changes in the system there’s one thing that majorly helps: Google Search Statistics.

If not a definitive plan, Google Search Statistics can help you find the direction you should take.

Here are some of the Stats that will guide your SEO and PPC strategy for 2022.

  • SEO conversion rate is 14.6% while traditional outbound methods get only 1.7 % conversion rate. (
  • Most of the SEO Execution is 75% off-page, while only 25% SEO deals with On-page operations. (
  • 72% of marketers claim that the most critical factor in improving SEO is Relevancy. (
  • As much as 51% of content online was driven by the organic search.
  • According to the organic SEO stats of 2018, video content is 50 times more likely to drive them than plain text.
  • Video content drives the users 50% times than the plain text.
  • Republishing and updating the old blogs with new images and content can increase the traffic by 110%. (seotribunal)
  • By 2025, 75% of all mobile phone users will access the internet from their smartphone. (
  • One-third of all smartphone searches were made right before a store visit. (seotribunal)
  • Nearly 43% of consumers do research online while they are at the store. (
  • 66% time of e-commerce takes place on mobile phones. (

Social Media SEO Statistics:

  • 58% of marketers say they have seen an improvement in their search engine rankings because of social media. (
  • According to the 2018 SEO stats, 74% of companies and 82% of agencies say that social media is either somewhat or highly integrated. (
  • 71% of customers will likely recommend a brand to others if they’ve had an excellent social media service experience with it. (
  • According to the SEO statistics for 2019, 86% of women will check a product or service out on social media before they choose to make a purchase. (seotribunal)
  • 40% of people are willing to pay more on companies that have an engaging social media. (

SEO Strategy guide:

  • Google is an essential search engine and needs to be a significant part of your strategy. While this is true, it is crucial to not ignore bling as the market at bling isn’t as competitive as google. Lack of high competition help boost your chances of ranking and reaching your targets on bling.
  • Keywords need to be longer and specific. Keyword intent improves your chances in SEO campaigns. “Long-tail keywords” really help in reflecting the purpose, so use them effectively.
  • Having videos in your blog and website helps in ranking. They increase the visual appeal and make the readers stay on the page longer.
  • You have to optimize your page/blog for mobile devices. The demographics are increasingly turning towards mobiles for online search and sales. A website having a visual appeal helps in getting better ranking and better traction.
  • Integrating your social media with SEO is becoming vital. Using social media for SEO for at least a year helps your SEO ranking significantly.
  • Customers are more likely to visit and recommend the brands that gave them a good experience online.
  • Link-building is accepted to be the most tedious and expensive task for any SEO plan, but it does pay you back.
  • Content creation is accepted to be the most critical SEO tactic which can drive the traffic up to 2,000 % when the content is excellent and relevant.
  • Blogs with images get more views and traction, and they make your blog visually appealing. In a similar vein, updating the old blogs with new and relevant information and images also boost the traffic.

PPC Stats:

  • Mobile phones account for 65% of all paid google search results. (Statista)
  • CTR for a Google search ad on mobile is one full per cent higher than that of the desktop. CTR for mobile searches is 4.1, whereas CTR for desktop is 3.1. (WordStream)
  • Organic search desktop accounts for 62% of clicks by organic results, whereas the mobile received only 41% of the clicks. (Moz)
  • With an average of 5.36%, Travel and hospitality advertisers make for the highest CTRs on paid mobile results. (WordStream)
  • Of all searches done on Google for “near me” via mobile, 50% of them do result in a shop visit. (SEO Expert Brad)
  • Mobile driven brand interactions that involve google search are 42%. (Blue Corona)
  • For every $1 businesses spend on AdWords, they make at least $2 on average. (Google)
  • Top 3 Paid ads receive 41% of clicks on a google search on average. (Wordstream)
  • High Commercial intent searches paid ads received 65% of all clicks. (Wordstream)
  • An Ad at first position has CRT of 7.94% when the average CRT is 2%. (AccuraCast)
  • Visitors that come by PPC are 50% more likely to buy than visitors. (Unbounce)
  • 65% of b2b companies have got a customer through LinkedIn paid ads. (HubSpot)
  • Search words can increase brand awareness by up to 80%. (Google)
  • Display advertising can increase the traffic to website up to 300%. (Visually)
  • 70% of millennials prefer reaching the product just from ad. (Google, 2018)
  • 75% of people say search ads make it easier to find information about what they are looking and searching. (Search Engine Land, 2019)
  • 50% of all searches are four words or longer. (Wordstream)
  • Ninety per cent of users trust reviews online. (Google)
  • Top 4 results receive 95.3 per cent of clicks. (Blue Corona)
  • WordPress blogs receive 93% more links than all others. (
  • Paid clicks are 66% of the buyer-intent keyword. (Clever Clicks, 2018)
  • Advertisers and marketers are allocating half of their budgets on mobile ads. (Impact, 2017)
  • Brand effectiveness of both desktop and mobile ads are good, but mobile ads perform better. (Com Score, 2016)
  • Two-thirds of consumers say they remember specific brands advertisements they saw on mobiles from the past week. (Business Wire, 2018).
  • 87% of the advertising revenue of Facebook comes from mobile. (AdWeek)

PPC Strategy guide:

  • Keyword Intent can benefit your PPC campaign, just like it does in SEO. Here higher commercial intent keywords can get you 65 % of all clicks. According to Google, every dollar spent on AdWords gives back $2 on average.
  • PPC plan has to include mobile devices as mobile ads perform better, and the majority of the people remember mobile ads better.
  • Focus on local while targeting via PPC. There are many good reasons for it as many searches are local, and if the shop is nearby users will even visit.
  • It is time to focus on display ads. They have better reach and provide better visibility.
  • Focus on the content relevant to target audience.
  • Focus on local while targeting via PPC. There are many good reasons for it as many searches are local, and if the shop is nearby users will even visit. Many people specifically search for local shops and services.

To Conclude

Digital marketing services are a new way to reach and target your audience.

They help you to brand, market and advertise more quickly and cheaply and have a significant reach.

Out of these digital services, SEO and PPC are a reliable way to establish yourself as a brand and leave a lasting impression on the viewers.

SEO helps you garner your customers more organically, and PPC help you reach your audience directly. Therefore, you can either learn by yourself to grow your business for free or hire a professional like SEO expert and PPC expert to run your marketing without any headache.

So it is recommended that you follow SEO and PPC Strategy.

Guest Post Contributed by Gaffar Ali
He is a Content Writer at Wolftain a Design and Development Agency. Currently into blogs, his passion lies in story writing. He is curious about different markets, philosophies, people and the world. But most importantly, he is a certified lover of everything “anime”.

Author: Ravi Verma

He is a digital marketer and creator of Freaky SEO. He enjoys working with words, numbers and the complexities of search engines and their working. You can connect with him on Linkedin or tweet @ digitalverma. Do you have excellent ideas to share with netizens? Come write for us.

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